Thursday, August 27, 2009

Letter of Introduction

I think that language is very interesting. I loved doing grammar in English class because it comes easily to me and it makes sense. I also find grammar to be very fascinating in other languages, like French. I took French for four years in high school and it’s pretty cool to see the differences in the two languages. There are many similarities and also a lot of differences!
I love reading for fun, but most of the books I read are kind of silly. I read all of the books in the original Gossip Girl series; they’re so addicting! My other favorite books have been The Great Gatsby, White Oleander, The Lovely Bones, and Huckleberry Finn. I also enjoy reading memoires and realistic fiction because those are usually the books I cannot put down until I finish them. And I absolutely cannot stand books such as Twilight and Harry Potter.
I have had to do research papers before in high school, but I felt that it was hard to not get distracted. Whenever I would be reading on a subject that interests me, I would just keep reading and stop taking notes or highlighting important details.
I decided to go to Humboldt State because of the change of atmosphere. I am from Manhattan Beach (Los Angeles area), and it’s nice to be somewhere so different from home for a new experience. I also like that Humboldt has my major – nursing. I chose nursing as my major because I love to help people and I have also been interested in the medical field. My grandmother, who was a nurse, has also influenced my major and career choice. I remember I used to always play around with her stethoscope and bandages when I was little.
Writing for me is sometimes difficult. I am horrible at creative writing. I can never write a good story but I am able to write an acceptable essay. I usually need to do a lot of planning though for my essays, so I always find that making an outline beforehand helps a lot.