Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Response to "Portfolio Guide"

After reading the requirements for the writing portfolio I will be turning in at the end of the semester, I have become a little nervous. I think that it will make a difference, hopefully positive but I am not sure yet, because the people who will be evaluating my portfolio do not know who I am. I think that previously, such as in high school, teachers grading my writing, or any other students' writings, had a bias towards that student. But here, since there is no way of knowing who I am because they do not know my name, just a number, there is no bias for or against me as a writer.
I am a little confused on the evaluation process of the paper, I would like to know more information on how my paper will be scored. It would be nice to know what getting a 6 would mean compared to getting a 4.
I think that it is interesting that our cover letter is a genre of writing that we just covered in class - reflective writing. My cover letter will be a reflection of the works that I put in my writing portfolio and I will be able to discuss my feelings about my writing, which I think is going to be beneficial towards the scoring of my portfolio. It will make me less nervous about the portfolio process since I will be able to put in a my last thoughts about my progress in class and the people grading me will see how I feel about my own writings.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, you really hit on the spirit of the task of writing a cover letter to a portfolio. You're right; it this portfolio is anonymous, and the cover letter allows you to overcome any obstacles that may present. It allows you to introduce your process into the evaluation of your product.

    Becoming conscious of the mechanics of writing, of the choices that go into creating an effective piece of writing, that is what we are working toward in the class, and what the letter allows you to demonstrate.

    As for the scoring system, I hope the scoring guide I gave you answered your questions, but if you still feel confused about anything, please ask me.
